National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Publishing activities

In the Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine there is an editorial and publication department, which includes the editors of periodicals (publication of “Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika” (“Technical Electrodynamics”)) and editors of non-periodical editions (publication of “Works of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”).


The journal “Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika (“TECHNICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS”) is a specialized scientific edition of Ukraine in the field of technical sciences. The journal publishes original research results in such areas as theoretical electrical engineering and electrophysics, conversion of electric energy parameters, electromechanical conversion of the energy, electrical power systems and electrotechnological complexes, information measuring systems in the electrical power engineering, conference reports, and bibliographic reviews.

State Registration Certificate: КВ № 388 from 20.01.1994.

Edition language: multilanguage (Ukrainian, English, Russian). The journal is listed as one of the specialized editions of HAC of Ukraine and abstracted in the Abstract journal VINITI RAN (Russia, Moscow), and abstract journal “Dzherelo” (Ukraine, Kyiv).

The electronic version of the Journal can be found in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and is included into the national abstract database and international databases: SCOPUS, COMPENDEX, INDEX COPERNICUS, ELIBRARY, EBSCO, PROQUEST.

Topic sections:

•    Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics;
•    Conversion of Electric Energy Parameters;
•    Electromechanical Energy Conversion;
•    Electric Power Systems and Installation Complexes;
•    Information Measuring Systems in Electric Power Engineering.

Tel. :  456-88-69;  366-26-57.

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The Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a scientific professional publication of open access in the field of technical sciences. The Proceedings contains articles with the results of research in the following scientific areas:

•    electrodynamics of electric power devices;
•    conversion and stabilization of electromagnetic energy parameters;
•    increasing the efficiency and reliability of electromechanical energy conversion processes;
•    analysis, optimization and automation of modes of power systems and their elements;
•    information and measuring systems and metrological support in electrical power engineering;
•    integrated energy systems with renewable energy sources.



Year of foundation – 1999

Frequency – three times a year

ISSN: 1727-9895

Certificate of state registration: КВ № 5843 from 07.02.2002

Language of the publication: poly language (Ukrainian, English)

Editorial office address:

03057, Kyiv, 56 Peremohy Avenue

Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Tel. (044) 366-26-56


The Proceedings are included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in technical sciences in category “B” following the order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 975 from 11.07.2019.

Starting in 2017, all articles are assigned a unique DOI number with the prefix 10.15407. For example, the first article in issue 46 of 2017 has a DOI: 10.15407/publishing2017.46.006

Indexing of the Proceedings: National Depository “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”; national database “Ukrainika naukova” (the abstract journal “Dzherelo”); abstract journal VINITI RAS. The electronic edition of the collection is stored in the National Library of Ukraine named after VI Vernadsky, included in the database Open Ukrainian Citation Index and databases: Crossref, Elibrary.

The Proceedings are a non-subscription edition. It can be purchased only through the Institute’s editorial office.

The last issue

Editorial Board



In addition to the above-mentioned publications, the editorial and publication department also publishes monographs and study guides.

In 2019 in the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the following monographs were published:

Technicalsciences.  Y.M. Vasetsky, I.P. Kondratenko, A.P. Rashcepkin, I.L. Mazurenko  Electromagnetic  interactions between current contours and conductive medium.– Kyiv, Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine. 2019. – 220 p.300 copies. ISBN 978-966-02-8804-1  Read

Technicalsciences. Y.M. Vasetsky Three-dimensional quasi-stationary electromagnetic field of the current near conducting body. – Kyiv, Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine. 2019. – 211 p.300 copies. 
ISBN 978-617-7457-84-7  Read

In 2018 in the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the following monographs were published:

Electrical Engineering.   M.V. Zagirniak, V.B. Klepikov, S.M. Kovbasa, V.M. Mykhalskii, S.M. Peresada, O.V. Sadovoi, I.A. Shapoval “Energy-efficient electromechnical systems of broad technology purpose” – Kyiv, Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine, 2018. – 310 p. Circulation – 300 copies.  ISBN 978-966-02-8403-6

General power engineering. A.F. Zharkin, S.O. Palachov, V.O. Novskyi.  “Legal regulation of voltage quality in electrical networks with the sources of distributed generation”. Kyiv, Institute of electrodynamics o the NAS of Ukraine. 2018. – 161 p. Circulation – 300 copies. ISBN 978-966-02-8581-1

General power engineering. O.F. Butkevych, O.V. Kyrylenko, O.V. Lenga, L.M. Lukianenko, V.V. Pavlovskyi, A.O. Steliuk, V.V. Chyzhevskii. “Ensuring sustainability of electric power systems and their interconnections Under the general editorship of O.V. Kyrylenko, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine / Institute of electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine. – K.: Institute ofelectrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine, 2018. – 320 p. Circulation – 300 copies.
ISBN 978-966-02-8501-9


In 2017 in the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the following monographs were published:

General EnergyM.M. Kulyk, V.P. Gorbulin, O.V. Kyrylenko” ConceptualapproachestotheenergydevelopmentinUkraine  (analytical materials). / Kyiv, Institute of General Energy of the NAS of Ukraine. 2017. – 78 p. Circulation – 300 copies. ISBN 978-966-02-8281-0

Electrical Engineering. V.F. Ivankov, A.V. Basova, I.V. Khimjuk Simulation methods of transformers and reactors” – Kyiv: InstituteofElectrodynamicsoftheNASofUkraine, 2017. – 490 p.  ISBN 978-966-02-8297-1

General Energy . A.F. Zharkin, S.P. Denysyuk, V.A. Popov“Power supply systems with the sources of a distributed generation” -/ Kyiv: NaukovaDumka. – 2017. – 230 p. – 200 copies.  ISBN 978-966-00-1571-5

Electrical Engineering. A.P. Raschepkin, I.P. Kondratenko Methodological foundations of the analysis of electromagnetic processes in linear induction machines . – Kyiv: InstituteofElectrodynamicsoftheNASofUkraine. 2017. – 355 p. Circulation – 300 copies.  ISBN 978-966-02-8282-7


In 2012-2016 in the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the following monographs were published:

Electrical engineering. M.M. Surdu, Z.Y. Monastyrskyi. “ Variational methods for increasing the accuracy of immittance  meters“. Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine. – Kyiv: Institute of Electrodynamics. 2015. – 385 p. 300 copies. ISBN 978-966-02-7803-5

General Power Engineering. T.M. Bazyuk, I.V. Blinov, O.F. Butkevych, I.S. Goncharenko, S.P. Denysyuk, V.Y. Zhujkov, O.V. Kyrylenko, L.M. Lukyanenko, D.A. Mykolaets, K.S. Osypenko, V.V. Pavlovskyi, O.B. Rybina, A.O. Stelyuk, S.E. Tankevych, I.V. Trach (EditedbyO.V. Kyrylenko ) “Intelligent electrical networks: elements and modes“. Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine. – Kyiv, Institute of Electrodynamics. 2015. – 399 p. 300 copies. ISBN 978-966-02-7913-1

Electrical engineering. A.A. Scherba, O.L. Rezinkin, M.M. Rezinkina. Electrophysical processes in dielectric and magnetic media. –/ K.: Naukova dumka. – 2016. – 192 p. -200 copies. ISBN 978-966-00-1482-4

Technicalsciences. V.M. Avramenko, V.L. Prykhno, O.V. Martynyuk, N.T. Yuneeva. Adaptive means for ensuring sustainability and vitality of the united power system of Ukraine. – /Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine/. –KyivTOV Artmediaprint, 2016.– 100 p. – 300 copies. ISBN–9789669745347.

General Power Engineering. O.G.Kensytskyi, B.A. Kromplyas, A.S. Levytskyi, G.M. Fedorenko. Methods and means to improve the reliability of the actuators of regulating and isolation valves of NPP pipelines. – K: NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants. – Chornobyl (Kyivregion) : Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of the NAS of Ukraine, 2016. – 136 p. –200 copies. ISBN 978-966-02-7341-2

Electrical engineering. PODOLTSEV A.D., KUCHERIAVA I.N. Multiphysical modeling in electrical engineering.– Kyiv: Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine. 2015. – 305 p.
ISBN 978-966-02-7671-0

Electrical engineering. TITKO A.I., VASKOVSKY Yu.N. Scientific bases, methods and measures of induction motors diagnostics. – Kyiv, Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine. 2015. – 300 p.
ISBN 978-966-02-7642-0

General energy. ZAJTSEV G.F., BULGACH V.L., SAMKOV A.V., GNIDENKO Г.N., GRADOBOEVA N.V. Synthesis of high-frequency systems of frequency locked loop. – Kyiv, Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, 2015. – 112 p.
ISBN 978-966-02-7760-1

Technical sciences. IVANKOV V.F., BASOVA A.V., KHIMJUK I.V. Losses and heatings of tank covers of large transformers: Theory, calculation, experiment. – LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. – 87 p.
ISBN: 978-3-659-28296-6

Technical sciences. BABAK S.V., MYSLOVYCH M.V., SYSAK R.M. Statistical diagnostics of electrical equipment. – K.: Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, 2015. – 456 p.
ISBN: 978-966-02-7704-5

BLINOV I.V. Theoretical and practical principles of operation of a competitive energy market. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2015. – 250 p.
ISBN 978-966-00-1519-7

Electric power engineering. GRYB O.G., SOKOL E.I., ZHARKIN A.F., VASYLCHENKO V.I., TESYK Yu.F. and others. Electric power quality. – Kharkiv: PP «Graf-Iks», 2014. -244p.
ISBN 978-966-2680-04-1

General energy. Blinov I.V., Denysyuk S.P., Жhujkov V.Y., Kyrylenko O.V., Kyseleva A.G., Lukyanenko L.M., Osypenko K.S., Pavlovskii V.V., Parus E.V., Sopel M.F., Stelyuk A.O., Tankevych S.E. (Edited by Kyrylenko O.V.) Intelligent electric power systems: elements and modes.– Kyiv: Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, 2014. – 408 p. ISBN 978-966-02-7207-1

Electrical engineering. Zharkin A.F., Pazeev A.G. Single-phase active power factor correctors for multi-module power supply systems. – Kyiv: Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, 2014. – 212 p. ISBN 978-966-02-7225-5

Electrical power engineering. Shcherba M.A. Electric field disturbance by conducting inclusions in dielectrics. – Kyiv: Nash format, 2013. – 223 p. ISBN 978-966-02-7057-2

General energy. Zajtsev G.F., Samkov O.V., Bulgach T.V., Gradoboeve N.V., Lysenko D.O. Analysis of dynamic characteristics and accuracy improvement of analog and pulse compensation voltage stabilizers. – Kyiv: Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, 2014. – 184 p. ISBN 978-966-02-7383-2

Electrical engineering. Sokil E.I., Zharkin A.F. and others. Automatic frequency load shedding of power systems in emergency modes. – Kharkiv: TOV “Team Publish Group”, 2014. – 196 p. ISBN 978-966-2741-23-0.

Electrical engineering. Sokil E.I., Gryb O.G, Zharkin A.F., Tesyk Yu.F., Novskyi V.O. and others. Automatic metering systems of electric energy. – Kharkiv: TOV “Team Publish Group”, 2014.– 488 p. ISBN 978-966-2741-24-7

Power engineering. Golubev V.V. Pulse conversion of AC voltage. – K.: Nauk. dumka, 2014. – 248 p. ISBN 978-966-00-1320-9.

Electric PowerEngineering. O.G. Gryb, E.I. Sokol, A.F. Zharkin, I.A. Samoilenko, and others. Quality of electrical energyVol.1, Economic and legal basis of the quality of electrical energy in Ukraine and European Union. – Kharkov: PP «Graf-Iks», 2014.– 300 p. ISBN 978-966-2680-03-4

Electric Power Engineering. O.G. Gryb, E.I. Sokol, A.F. Zharkin, V.I. Vasylchenko, Yu.F. Tesyk and others. Qualityofelectricalenergy. Vol. 2, Quality control of electrical energy– Kharkov: PP «Graf-Iks», 2014.– 244 p. ISBN 978-966-2680-04-1

ElectricPowerEngineering. O.G. Gryb, E.I. Sokol, A.F. Zharkin, V.I. Vasylchenko and others. Qualityofelectricalenergy. Vol. 3, Methods and means of improving the quality of electrical energy. – Kharkov: PP «Graf-Iks», 2014.– 292 p. ISBN 978-966-2680-05-8

Electricalengineering. A.K. Shydlovskyi, V.O. Novskyi, A.F. Zharkin. Stabilization of electrical energy parameters in the three-phase systems by semiconductor correction devices – Kyiv, Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine. – 2013.– 378 p. ISBN 978-966-02-6890-6

Electrical engineering. A.VPrakhovnykYuFTesykA.F. Zharkin, V.O. Novskyi and others. Automated metering and quality control systems of electricenergy– Kharkiv: PP «Ranok-NT», 2012.– 516p. ISBN 978-966-315-032-1


Computer sciences. Information technologies. Olijnyk V.F., Bulgach T.V., Vyshnyakov V.M., Samkov O.V. Basics of building computer networks . – Kyiv: Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, 2014 — 135 p. ISBN 978-966-521-453-3

Electrical engineering. Shcherba A.A., Povoroznjuk N.I. Electrical engineering. Part ІІ. Electronics. – Kyiv: TOV “Nash Format”, 2013. – 458 p. ISBN 978-966-02-6086-3 (general), ISBN 978-966-02-6086-3

Electrical engineering. Part III. Microprocessor and computer technology. A.A. Scherba, N.I. Povoroznyuk – Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine. – Kyiv, Instituteof Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine, 2016. – 288 p. 300 copies. ISBN 978-966-02-6086-3 (general), ISBN 978-966-02-7929-2 (P.3)Electrical engineering. A.A. Scherba, V.Kh. Atamonov, I.A. Kurylo, O.V. Koroschenko, V.F. Dennyk. Theoretical foundations of electrical engineeringCollection of problems from olimpiads: Tutorial.– Kyiv: TOV “Nash Format”,2016. – 190 p.–300 copies. ISBN 966-8556-37-2.

Electrical engineering. L.I.Mazurenko, R.P. Bondar. Fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronicsTutorial. –/Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture /. – Kyiv: Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), 2016. – 240 p.– 55 copies.

Electrical engineering. I.A.Kurylo, V.P. Grudska, L.Yu. Spinul, M.A. Scherba. Calculation of transient processes in linear electric circuits with lumped and distributed parameters: Tutorial. – К.: NTUU «KPI», 2016. – 241 p.

Tutorials. Electrical engineering. Gorodzha A.D., Mazurenko L.I., Podoltsev O.D. General electrical engineering. – Kyiv: Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), 2015. – 224 p.