Department of transformation and stabilization of electromagnetic processes

Head of the Department
Doctor of engineering sciences Sapoval Ivan Andriovych
tel. (044) 366-26-20
Department of stabilization of electromagnetic energy parameters

Head of the Department
Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Zharkin Andrii Fedorovych
tel. 38044 366-26-58
Department of modeling of electrical power objects and systems

Head of the Department
Doctor of engineering sciences Blinov Igor Viktorovych
tel. (044) 366-24-43
Department of electrical systems automation

Acting Department Manager
Doctor of engineering sciences Pavlovskyi Vsevolod Vitaliovych
тел. 38044 366-24-18, 366-25-85
Department of electric and magnetic measurements

Head of the Department
Doctor of engineering sciences Melnik Volodymyr Grygorovych
tel. 38044 366-25-11
Department of electromechanical systems

Head of the Department
Doctor of engineering sciences Mazurenko Leonid Ivanovych
tel. 38044 366-24-91
Department of Electromagnetic Systems

Head of the Department
Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Kondratenko Igor Petrovych
tel. 38044 366-26-75
Department of theoretical electrical engineering and diagnostics of electrical equipment

Head of the Department
Doctor of engineering sciences Zaitsev Ievgen Olexandrovych
tel. 38044 366-24-70
Department of power-supply systems optimization

Temporarily acting Head of the Department
Candidate of engineering sciences Kuchanskyi Vladyslav Volodymyrovych
tel. 38044 366-26-38
Department of transistor converters

Head of the Department
Doctor of engineering sciences Yurchenko Oleg Mykolayovych
tel. 38044 366-25-74
Department of power supply of technological systems

Head of the Department
Academician of NAS of Ukraine Shcherba Anatolii Andriyovych
tel. 38044 366-24-64