National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Bibliometrics of scientists of the department of power-supply systems optimization

Main scientific tasks:

  • Study energy processes in multiphase systems, and development of the optimum control practices of their modes taking into account a compound action of distortion sources, and assessment of their impact on the operation reliability and efficiency of the generic electrical equipment;
  • Study the conditions of internal overvoltage in the advanced main power transmission lines of 330-750kV, and preventive measures;
  • Study information transmission techniques to monitor and troubleshoot electric power objects;
  • Development of analysis methods and coordinated control of the modes of electrical networks of a different hierarchical level;
  • Development of technical and economic criteria of electro-magnetic compatibility of customers in electrical power systems of a general and special purpose, creation of the scientifically-based methodology of normalization, control and correction of electrical power quality index in electrical networks and systems;
  • Development of the theoretical foundations, analysis methods and means to prevent and neutralize resonant voltage surges in the electrical networks;
  • Development of theory and methods to isolate the information signals during their transmission through the electrical networks;
  • Development of methods to monitor the state of the insulation of electrical objects of electrical power systems;
  • Investigation and correction of the parameters of electromagnetic and electrophysical processes in the systems with distortion sources in the form of loads, commutations and atmospheric phenomena.

Bibliometrics of scientists of the department


Tuhai Yu. I., Doctor of engineering sciences, Head of the Department

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Scopus Author ID 35231364700
ORCID  0000-0002-0704-1863
Researcherid  S-5117-2017

Borovyk Yu. M., Leading Engineer

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Scopus Author ID 

Koshman V. I., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID
ORCID  0000-0001-6473-9478
Researcherid T-1038-2017

Kuznetsov V. H., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Chief Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 8730446800
ORCID  0000-0002-5399-2942
Researcherid R-8075-2017


Kuchanskyi V. V., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

GoogleScholar Link
Scopus Author ID 
ORCID  0000-0002-8648-7942
Researcherid  R-8095-2017


Sabarno L. R., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID  
ORCID 0000-0002-2153-2183
Researcherid S-5034-2017


Sevastiuk I. M., Junior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 57000379800
ORCID 0000-0003-1971-3345
Researcherid Q-5147-2017


Tuhai I. Yu., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

Google Scholar Link
Scopus Author ID 35231575000
ORCID 0000-0002-7261-4277
Researcherid  S-5135-2017


Shpolianskyi O. H., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

Google Scholar Link
Scopus Author ID 
ORCID  0000-0002-0167-2234
Researcherid   T-1885-2017