National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Achievements in the scientific direction “Information and measurement systems and metrological support in the power industry”

Research in the current year will be aimed at the development of the theory and principles of constructing reference equipment, working tools and information-measuring systems for high-precision control of the parameters of equipment of energy facilities at industrial and lower frequencies.

Metrological problems that limit the increase in the accuracy of reference and precision working means of reproduction and measurement of passive and active electrical quantities, as well as parameters of electrical energy, will be solved. Ways to expand the functions and range of operating frequencies, methods for improving the accuracy of devices for measuring complex resistances, electrical conductivity of liquids, ways and methods for controlling and reducing power losses will be studied.

Theoretical and experimental metrological studies of new methods of ensuring noise immunity, reduction of random and correction of systematic errors during the conversion of informative physical quantities, as well as methods of improving measurement management, completeness, informativeness and clarity of presentation of the obtained data will be carried out on computer and physical models of information-measuring hardware and software complexes.