National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Department of theoretical electrical engineering and diagnostics of electrical equipment

Main scientific tasks:

  • development of the theory and modern analytical methods for researching the processes in nonlinear electrical circuits;
  • development of the theory, analytical and asymptotic methods for electromagnetic system measurement;
  • development of the theory and methods of the practical use of information and measurement systems (IMS) of the statistical diagnostics of electric power equipment;
  • development of the theory and research methods of quasi-stationary and non-stationary electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical processes in electric power equipment;
  • development of scientific foundations and methods for the development of intelligent control systems, diagnostics and forecasting of the technical condition of electrical equipment;

development of scientific foundations for increasing static and dynamic stability, expanding the maneuverability of electrical equipment in operation.

Bibliometrics of scientists of the department


Zaitsev I. O., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Department

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Scopus Author ID  55606990800
ORCID 0000-0003-3303-471X
Researcherid  H-1187-2014

Bereznychenko V. O., Doctor of Philosophy, Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 57207913770
ORCID 0000-0002-9961-1703

Zakusilo S.A., Leading Engineer

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Scopus Author ID 58759215900
ORCID  0000-0002-9193-8920

Zakharchenko S. M., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Leading Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 17436597800
ORCID  0000-0002-8597-8045
Researcherid Q-4593-2017

Kromplias B. A., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 57200137920
ORCID  0000-0001-7164-8056
Researcherid  S-3321-2017

Levytskyi A. S., Doctor of Engineering Ssciences, Leading Researcher

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Scopus Author ID55948238300
ORCID 0000-0002-0146-9498
Researcherid  O-8681-2017

Panchyk M.V. Doctor of Philosophy

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Scopus Author ID  57215134404
ORCID  0000-0003-3633-2632

Shydlovska N. A., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Chief Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 55622157300
ORCID  0000-0002-9907-7416
Researcherid P-7754-2017