National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Scopus Author  ID 55622157300

ORCID 0000-0002-9907-7416

Researcherid  P-7754-2017

Shydlovska Natalia Anatoliivna

corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine

A well-known scientist in the field of theoretical electrical engineering, in particular analytical methods for the study of non-linear and parametric circuits. Doctor of engineering sciences (1997), corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine (2000).

Winner of the prize of NAS of Ukraine named after V.M. Khrushchev.

Author of over 100 scientific publications, including 5 monographs and 1 manual.

The main directions of the scientific activities of N.A. Shydlovskoi are the development of the theory of nonlinear electrical circuits; the investigation of electromagnetic processes in complex electrical circuits, nonlinearitiy of the elements’ characteristics of which is conditioned both by electrical (current, voltage) and non-electrical (temperature, light, etc.) variables; investigation of electromagnetic processes in the circuits with variable structure based on the modern mathematical methods, including the theory of differential equations with pulse action; adaptation of the advanced mathematical techniques to the problems of analysis of electromagnetic processes in nonlinear and parametric circuits, and also synthesis of circuits with specified properties.