National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Khrushchov Vasyl Mykhailovych

academician of AS of Ukrainian SSR

A well-known scientist in the field of electrical engineering. Professor (1920), honoured professor (1933),  Doctor of engineering sciences  (1937 ), academician of AS of Ukrainian SSR (1939).

One of the founders of the Institute of Energy of AS of Ukrainian SSR and its first director (since 1939).

Author of 78 publications, including 16 monographs and textbooks.

Main scientific works of V.M. Khrushchova are devoted to the study of AC collector machines, to the problems of electric energy transmission and distribution, the study of mechanical and arc rectifiers, voltage regulation of synchronous generators by using a compounding method.

V.M. Khrushchov was a recognized authority in the field of power engineering, particularly in terms of electrical networks. His works can rightly be called classic. They have been used both in modern engineering practice and in the researches.

In 1992, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine established a Prize of NAS of Ukraine named after V.M. Khrushchov for outstanding scientific works in the field of power and electrical engineering.