National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Borysov Borys Pavlovych

corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine

A well-known scientist in the field of electrical engineering.  Doctor of engineering sciences (1990), professor (1992), corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine (1992).

Winner of the prize of NAS of Ukraine named after G.F. Proskura (1989). The author of over 200 scientific papers, including 6 monographs. His scientific reworks concerned the fundamental and applied researches of the processes of transformation and stabilization of the parameters of electromagnetic energy and optimization of the modes of power-supply systems.

The results of these researches were realized as a development of construction principles of power supply systems of magnetodynamic power plants of foundries and mechanical engineering enterprises, development of the theory of balancing of single-phase and two-arm electric loads, development of the methods to improve the efficiency of the systems of electroinduction processing.