National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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1. Specialized scientific council Д 26.187.01 with the right to accept for consideration and carrying out the Ph.D. degree thesis defense in:

•    05.09.03  “Electrical engineering complexes and systems”,
•    05.09.05  “Theoretical electroengineering”,
•    05.09.12  “Semiconductor-based electric energy converters”.

2. Specialized scientific council Д 26.187.02 with the right to accept for consideration and carrying out the Ph.D. degree thesis defense in:

•    05.11.05  “Devices and methods of measurement of the electric and magnetic values”,
•    05.01.02  “Standardization, certification and metrological support “,
•    05.13.05  “Computer systems and components”.

3. Specialized scientific council Д 26.187.03 with the right to accept for consideration and carrying out the Ph.D. degree thesis defense in:

•    05.09.01  “Electrical Machines and Apparatuses”,
•    05.14.02  “Electric power stations, networks and systems”.