National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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The Council of Young Scientists

Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine

Kuchanskyi Vladyslav Volodymyrovych

Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher Department of power-supply systems optimization(№14)

+380 44 366 26 38,   +38 050 387 8942

Deputy Chairman: 
Malakhatka Denys Oleksandrovych

Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher Department of stabilization of electromagnetic energy parameters (№2)

+38 050 724 7328


Bereznychenko Victoriia Oleksandrivna

Leading Engineer Department of theoretical electrical engineering and diagnostics of electrical equipment (№12)



Members of the Council of Young Scientists:



Kryshchuk Roman Serhiiovych

Candidate of engineering sciences, Researcher Department of Electromagnetic Systems (№7)

Marunia Yuliia Vasylivna

Candidate of engineering sciences, Researcher Department of transformation and stabilization of electromagnetic processes (№1)

Miroshnyk Volodymyr Oleksandrovych

Candidate of engineering sciences, Researcher Department of modeling of electrical power objects and systems №3)

Panchyk Mykhailo Viktorovych

Engineer Department of theoretical electrical engineering and diagnostics of electrical equipment (№12)

Sychova Viktoriia  Volodymyrivna

Leading Engineer Department of modeling of electrical power objects and systems (№1)

Filomenko Anton Anatoliiovych

Candidate of engineering sciences, Researcher Department of electromechanical systems (№6)

Shymaniuk Pavlo Viacheslavovych

Junior Researcher Department of modeling of electrical power objects and systems (№3)

Zaitsev Ievgen Oleksandrovych

Doctor of engineering sciences, Head of the Department of theoretical electrical engineering and diagnostics of electrical equipment (№12)

Bereka Vladyslav Olegovich

          Engineer Department of                            Electromagnetic Systems (№7)