National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Main results of work for the year

In 2023, research at the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine focused on the further development of fundamental and applied research in the field of physical and technical problems of energy in the areas approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 67 of March 28, 2012.

As of 31.12.In 2023, the Institute has 11 scientific departments with 41 doctors of sciences (4 women), including 4 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and 5 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as 78 candidates of sciences (10 women). The Institute employs 165 researchers, including 14 managers, 8 chief researchers, 21 leading researchers, 53 senior researchers, 16 researchers, 7 junior researchers, and 46 others. The total number of employees of the institute as of December 31, 2023 is 296 people (including 107 women). In 2023, one young employee washired at the institute, and two young employees with higher education were dismissed. During the year, the scientists of the institute defended 6 dissertations, including 1 for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences and 5 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

At the end of the year, 12 post-graduate students were studying at the Institute’s graduate school, all of them on a part-time basis. Two of them were accepted in 2023, including one on a contract basis. Two graduate students graduated during the year.

In 2023, research at the Institute was conducted on 39 topics. Among them, 2 are projects of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine; 3 – on program-target and competition topics, 27 – works on departmental topics, and on contractual topics – 7. Departmental, program-targeted and competitive works were financed from the general fund, among which 24 tasks were for fundamental and 6 for applied research work. In addition, 2 projects on state topics and 7 contractual works were carried out at the expense of funding from a special fund.

The scientists of the Institute have prepared for publication 3 monographs (35.3 regional pages), 5 textbooks and manuals, 3 collections of scientific papers (39.6 regional editions) and 6 issues of the journal “Technical Electrodynamics” (67.9 regional editions). Materials of issues of collections of scientific papers and the journal are posted on the website of the Institute:, and of the journal “Technical Electrodynamics” – on the journal’s website:

The journal “Technical Electrodynamics” (ISSN 1607-7970, e-ISSN 2218-1903) is a scientific professional publication of Ukraine in the field of technical sciences, included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of category “A” since 2018 Kyiv. The electronic edition of the journal is stored in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, indexed in the OPEN UKRAINIAN CITATION INDEX database and international databases: SCOPUS, COMPENDEX, EBSCO, PROQUEST, CROSSREF, INDEX COPERNICUS, DOAJ.

The collection “PROCEEDINGS OF THE IER OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE” (ISSN 1727-9895, e-ISSN 2786-7064) is a scientific professional publication of Ukraine in the field of technical sciences, which is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category “B” 11.07.2019. The collection is abstracted in the Abstract Journal “Dzherelo” (Ukraine, Kyiv), the national depository “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”. The electronic edition is stored in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASPLIB) and indexed in the international database DOAJ.

During 2023, the Institute’s scientists published 117 articles in domestic and 39 in foreign journals, 82 of them in professional journals included in international databases and 53 abstracts at conferences. 67 articles were published in the journal of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the staff of the institute were the authors of 35 of them.

The Institute was the organizer of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “ENERGY OF UKRAINE: RECOVERY AND MODERNIZATION – 2023”, which was held on June 6-8, 2023 in Kyiv.