National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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The state-owned enterprise “Scientific-Production Center “Energoimpuls” of the Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine was founded according to the Resolution of Presidium of NAS of Ukraine of 13.07.09 №224. The main objective of the center is implementation of the results of fundamental researches and developments of the scientists of the IED of NAS of Ukraine, primarily in the areas of resource- and energy saving, improvement of the efficiency and reliability of the modes of electrical power systems and their components, and metrological support in energetics.

The address of SPC “Energoimpulse”: Рrosp. Peremohy, 56  03057, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Tel. (38044) 366-2630,

The Head of the Center – Alexander Lameko.

Over the years of its activity, the SPC “Energoimpuls” has gained a considerable experience in creation of conductometric and amperometric biosensor systems, development and implementation of precision electrical measuring equipment, providing services for experimental research of magnetic materials and more. The center supplied its developments for export to customers from Sweden, France, South Africa and other countries.

We offer to get acquainted with scientific and technical developments of the scientists of the Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine implemented by SPC “Energoimpuls”.

We are looking forward to receiving your partnership proposals.