National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Bibliometrics of scientists of the department of transformation and stabilization of electromagnetic processes

Main scientific tasks:

  • research of methods for improving the energy efficiency of the systems of conversion and consumption of electrical energy;
  • development of scientific foundations and principles of construction of semiconductor converters with advanced functionality and their control methods in systems with distributed generation sources;
  • development of means and algorithms for controlling voltage, current, and frequency in hybrid power systems of electrotechnological installations with incomplete certainty of load parameters;
  • development and research of specialized magnetic-semiconductor pulse devices of power electronics and their power supplies from renewable energy sources of comparable power and with intelligent control;
  • research of electromagnetic processes and development of scientific foundations for the creation of systems for the conversion and stabilization of electricity parameters, taking into account up-to-date requirements for energy efficiency;
  • development of electric drive systems with active compensation functions of power components to ensure electromagnetic compatibility with the power supply network.

Bibliometrics of scientists of the department

Shapoval I. A., Doctor of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department

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Scopus Author ID 6602135112
ORCID  0000-0002-9107-5061
Researcherid  J-9749-2013

Voitekh V. O., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID
ORCID 0000-0002-9460-4141
Researcherid  Q-7833-2017

Gavrylyuk S.I., candidate of engineering sciences, Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 57203532416
ORCID 0000-0002-7345-8405
Researcherid ABG-3069-2020

Gubarevych V.M., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID
ORCID  0000-0003-2416-9858
Researcherid  R-1979-2017

Zaichenko O. A., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID  56545501900
ORCID 0000-0001-9311-3378
Researcherid  Q-3204-2017

Zozulov V. I., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 55328102500
ORCID 0000-0003-1361-3968
Researcherid  S-5143-2017

Marunya Yu.V., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 57213189893
ORCID 0000-0003-0071-1702
Researcherid ADX-0102-2022

Mykhalskyi V. M., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Chief Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 55327748200
ORCID  0000-0002-8251-3111
Researcherid  O-5200-2017

Podeiko P. P., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID
ORCID  0000-0001-9201-102X
Researcherid  T-4756-2017

Polishchuk S. Yo., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 55647354700
ORCID  0000-0002-6978-2747
Researcherid  S-8460-2017

Ryzhkov O.M., PhD in Electrical Engineering, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 57202110262
ORCID  0000-0002-0011-9402
Researcherid S-4210-2017

Chopyk V. V., candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID  55622589200
ORCID  0000-0002-5046-5223
Researcherid  O-9713-2017