National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Bibliometrics of scientists of the department of electrical power objects and systems

Main scientific tasks:

Development of new technologies and means for solving the tasks of operational and dispatching, and automatic control of EPO, electric networks (EN) and EPS taking into account the connection of renewable energy sources.

  • Development of the models and tools for modeling and assessment of EPO, EM and EPS state and development of the systems of information and intelligent support for operating personnel in decision-making.
  • Development of the models, tools and determination of the conditions to ensure EPS stability.
  • Development of the models, technologies and tools of operational and dispatching management of EPS provided that the electricity markets will function.
  • Development of the models, methods and tools for forecasting power consumption, and indicators of EPS modes.
  • Development of the methods and tools to minimize the losses of active power and electric energy in EN.
  • Development of the methods and software for calculating operating values and analyzing the behavior of protection relays and automatic equipment in EPS.

Bibliometrics of scientists of the department


Blinov I. V., Doctor of engineering sciences, Head of the Department

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Scopus Author ID 55328225400
ORCID 0000-0001-8010-5301

Butkevych O. F., Doctor of engineering sciences, Chief Researcher

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Scopus Author ID
ORCID 0000-0002-6613-0911
Researcherid Q-6722-2017

Horodzha L. V., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID
ORCID  0000-0002-2501-8050
Researcherid  R-5161-2017

Kyrylenko O. V., Academician of NAS of Ukraine

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Scopus Author ID 6507766630
ORCID   0000-0003-3610-7670
Researcherid O-5750-2017


Kolesnykova N. F., Junior Researcher

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Lukianenko L. M., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID  55622370300
ORCID  0000-0003-1749-5209


Miroshnyk V. O., Candidate of engineering sciences, Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 56418645900
ORCID 0000-0001-9036-7268


Parus YE. V., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 55907045700
ORCID 0000-0001-9087-3902
Researcherid ABD-3881-2020


Rybina O. B., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 35365117200
Researcherid Q-0896-2023


Steliuk A. O., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 55327762700
ORCID  0000-0001-7548-4757
Researcherid  T-1018-2017


Trach I. V., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 55328092000
ORCID  0000-0002-3345-2324
Researcherid  S-1817-2017


Shymanyuk P. V., Junior Researcher

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Scopus Author ID 57216163839
ORCID  0000-0002-7585-7493


Yunieieva N. T., Candidate of engineering sciences, Senior Researcher

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