National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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Center for shared use of scientific equipment

The center of the shared use of scientific equipment was established to conduct high-quality experimental research, testing, adjustment, and calibration of hardware and software in the scientific direction “Energy automation and informatization”.

The Head of the Center: Candidate of engineering sciences, senior researcher  Slynko Volodymyr Mefodiyovych.

The main areas of the Center’s work are

– measurement of electromagnetic parameters (current, voltage, their harmonics and symmetrical components) of electric power objects, such as generators, power transformers and autotransformers, reactors, high-voltage switches, etc.;

– diagnostics of the relay protection devices and emergency control automatics of power systems;

– metrological examination of hardware and software for determining the parameters of operating modes of electric power facilities, for measuring the parameters of electrical energy and monitoring its quality;

– carrying out synchronous measurements of electrical parameters in a unified astronomical time format using GPS signal receivers.

Capabilities of the Center

  • Conduction of the precision metrological measurements and equipment calibration, high-accuracy monitoring of electrical energy parameters using FLUKE 6100А, a three-phase electrical power calibrator, which ensures the measurements’ consistency and repeatability and the technology of their conduction in accordance with the certain standards. FLUKE 6100 allows to synthesize electric power sources with non-standard characteristics of the wide spectrum and range with the formation of different harmonics (up to 100 simultaneously).
  • Conduction of experimental researches and testing of automation and relay protection devices using the DOBLE F6150, a power system simulator, which allows high-precision modeling and simulation of the power system, while reproducing the coordinated in time processes by using GPS. Also, this device is used to diagnose and control the characteristics of emergency event recorders by dynamically testing with sinusoidal test signals and simulating transient processes, by creating system’s computational model, generating harmonics, aperiodic component, and oscillations.
  • Calibration of various measuring devices by means of the OMICRON СМС 256 plus test complex – a universal calibrator, the high accuracy of which allows to test the PMU characteristics necessary to meet the ІЕЕЕ С37.118 requirements for synchrophasors. The OMICRON СМС 256 plus complex also monitors and measures the parameters of electric power systems, high-precision synchronized means for measuring current, voltage, power, phase, and frequency during a long period time.
  • Recording and analysis of all typical signals (voltages, currents, status signals) and messages from the communication network at the substation by OMICRON DANEO 400, a hybrid measuring system. Also, DANEO 400 measures the signals in both environments and can provide information to assess their correct interaction. The device records signal tracks by receiving information about the operating state via analog and digital channels.

Availability of special software that allows you to monitor selected parameters of the experiment in real time and receive all necessary metrological characteristics in electronic format after processing the measurement results.

Equipment of the Center

Name Manufacturer Main technical characteristics
1. Three-phase electrical power calibrator FLUKE 6130A includes one 6100А unit and two 6101А units


Fluke Precision Measurement Ltd, USA
  • Current range 0,05÷20A, error 0,01÷0,02%;
  • Voltage range 1,0÷1000V, error 0,01÷0,02%;
  • Fundamental harmonic frequency range 16÷450Hz, error 0,005%;
  • Phase range ±180º;
  • Long-term error ±0,001°;
  • Short-term error ±0,0002°;

Electrical power calibrator generates up to 100, simultaneous harmonics, flicker, fluctuating harmonics, interharmonics, voltage drops and increases

2 Power system simulator – DOBLE F6150 includes F6150, current amplifiers F6300, F6895 GPS antenna/receiver to synchronize the starting point of tests Doble Engineering Company, USA
  • Voltage range 0÷600V, error02%;
  • Current range 5÷120A, error02%;
  • Output power by voltage 300VA;
  • Current output power 450W;
  • Phase range 0÷359,9°, error ±0,1° 50/60Hz;

The start of test signal generation is synchronized by GPS.

3. Fluke 199C ScopeMeter – digital two-channel oscilloscope with deep memory and softwar


Fluke Precision Measurement Ltd, USA
  • bandwidth 200Hz;
  • sampling rate 2,5GHz;
  • input voltage – up to 1000 V;
  • duration 2 mV – 100 V/div
4. Universal equipment for breakdown UPU-6 KharkovEnergoPribor Ltd., city Kharkiv
  • output voltage – 1, 3, 6 kV;
  • maximum output current- 100 mA;
  • Voltage and current measurement error – no more than 3%;
  • Protection operating threshold 120±5 mA;
  • Power consumption – 650 VA
5. FLUKE PM6690/062 frequency counter and timer Fluke Precision Measurement Ltd, USA
  • Main frequency range – up to 300 MHz;
  • Maximum frequency range 10 HHzerror 0,05 Hz at 10 HHz.
6. Transmille 8081 precision multimeter


“Transmille Ltd.”, Великобритания
  • Constant voltage range 10µV– 1050 V, error ± 0,0004%;
  • Alternating voltage range 0,1 µV – 1000 V, error ± 0,02%;
  • Constant current range 0,1 µA – 30 A, error ± 0,001%;
  • Alternating current range 1 µA –30A, error ± 0,02%;
  • Frequency range 1Hz – 10 MHz, error ± 0,0005%;
  • Resistance range 0,1 µOhm– 1 µOhm, error ± 0,0008%.
7. OMICRON CMC 256 plus test set OMICRON,



  • Alternating current range 0…75А, constant current range 0…±35А, error < 0,015% + 0,005% typ. at 0…12,5А;
  • Alternating voltage range 0…600 V, constant voltage range 0…±300 В, error < 0,015% + 0,005% typ. at 0…300V;
  • frequency range 10….1000Hz, harmonic / interharmonic range 10….3000Hz, error ±0,5ppm;

phase angle range -360°…+360°, error <0,0005°

8. Hybrid signal analyzer for power utility automation systemsOMICRON DANEO 400





Voltage range 0…600 V, error ± 0,02%;


The procedure for using the Center’s services

According to the approved Regulation, the Center provides free testing services in accordance with the planned orders of scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine.

To timely include orders in the plan, the customer must submit applications to the Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Energy of the NAS of Ukraine by January 15 and June 15 of this year for types, terms and duration of tests, which are possible on the basis of the Center’s equipment.

For timely inclusion of the orders into the plan, a customer should submit the applications to the Department of physical and technical problems of power engineering of the NAS of Ukraine by January 15th and June 15th of the current year. The applications should include the types of services, timing and duration of tests that can be carried out on the basis of the Center’s equipment listed in the table above.


For questions regarding testing, please contact V.M. Slinko, the head of the Center, – tel. (38044) 366-25-63,  е-mail: