National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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The Scientific & Technical Library of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine

The Scientific & Technical library was founded in 1939 at the Institute of Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Kharkiv. In 1947 the library became a subdivision of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, and in 1963 – of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the Academy of Sciences of USSR.

The general library fund contains 242,000 copies of specialized literature and periodicals, incl. 62,000 of foreign editions. It contains 49,000 of books and brochures, incl. 1,500 of foreign editions; 170,000 of periodicals and continued editions, incl. 60,000 of foreign editions; 21,000 of instructional editions; and 79 documents on electronic media. The library’s exchange fund contains 639 copies.

The fund contains the literature on energy and electrical engineering and on the related fields of science, such as mathematics, physics, energy, radio engineering, cybernetics, computer technology. Also, the library fund contains 3 thousand books on electrical engineering from the personal library of B.P. Borisov, the corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine; as well as sets of periodicals and continued editions for many years, incl. such journals as: “Electricity” (1908), “Power Stations” (since 1930), full set of the “Technical Electrodynamics” and “Works of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine” since 1999.

Catalogs: alphabetical – for books, periodicals, extended abstract of dissertation and dissertations; classified – for books, etc. (since 1944).

Card catalogs: “Research works of the scholars of Institute” (since 1994), “Research works of the scholars quitted the IED of the AS of USSR”, “Card catalog of periodicals”, “International monographs”, “Card catalog of reference books”.

On the basis of the software program “IRBIS” an electronic version of the catalog of the Scientific & Technical library is being created, which already contains almost 33,000 entries. A copy of the catalog was sent to the department of electronic resources of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky and added to the unified electronic catalog of the NBUV.

In the reading room there is a number of permanent exhibitions, such as “New Arrivals”, “Publications of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the NAS of Ukraine”, “Autographed books from the authors”, “Books donated by the employees of the Institute of Electrodynamics”.

The S&T library of the Institute cooperates and exchanges books, scientific works, journals etc. with the libraries of the NAS of Ukraine and libraries of the universities in Kyiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Vinnytsa, Dnipro, and Kremenchug.

There is also an Interlibrary loan, which allows readers to order the necessary literature from the libraries of other scientific institutions of Ukraine.

Phone (044) 366-25-01, 366-26-39, fax (044) 366-26-86,  e-mail