National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Electrodynamics
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The Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a scientific professional publication of open access in the field of technical sciences. The Proceedings contains articles with the results of research in the following scientific areas:

•    electrodynamics of electric power devices;
•    conversion and stabilization of electromagnetic energy parameters;
•    increasing the efficiency and reliability of electromechanical energy conversion processes;
•    analysis, optimization and automation of modes of power systems and their elements;
•    information and measuring systems and metrological support in electrical power engineering;
•    integrated energy systems with renewable energy sources.

Year of foundation – 1999
Frequency – three times a year
ISSN: 1727-9895
Certificate of state registration: КВ № 5843 from 07.02.2002
Language of the publication: Ukrainian, English

Editorial office address:
03057, Kyiv, 56 Peremohy Avenue
Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Tel. (044) 366-26-56

The Proceedings are included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in technical sciences in category “B” following the order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 975 from 11.07.2019.

Starting in 2017, all articles are assigned a unique DOI number with the prefix 10.15407. For example, the first article in issue 46 of 2017 has a DOI: 10.15407/publishing2017.46.006

Indexing of the Proceedings: National Depository “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”; national database “Ukrainika naukova” (the abstract journal “Dzherelo”); abstract journal VINITI RAS. The electronic edition of the collection is stored in the National Library of Ukraine named after VI Vernadsky, included in the database Open Ukrainian Citation Index and databases: Crossref.

The Proceedings are a non-subscription edition. It can be purchased only through the Institute’s editorial office.

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